
Christmas and New Year's

Well Christmas was full of fun, family, and Christmas drama... :P Jesse and I had a blast hanging with our families and talking to my little and favorite brother Jared, who is on his mission in Chicago IL! It was nice to just enjoy the day and spend it with the fam. For New Year's we went to Denver CO to spend the week with Jesse's cousin and wife and awesome son Dane. He was seriously the cutest and most fun kid! He always had a smile on his face and was constantly go, go, going! It made Jesse really baby hungry and that is exactly what I was going for...!! he he! I thought I found my camera, but it ended up being our old one that dies all the time so still no pictures from me! BOO! :( It seems like it takes me a month to actually have something interesting to talk about, but I am trying to change that! So hopefully you will here back from me before February, if not then I suck! Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Lindsay Quinney said...

I am glad you guys had a good Christmas and New Year. I didn't even know you guys were going to Colorado. I bet it was so good to get away!

Debbie said...

LOL I think it's great that you're getting Jesse baby hungry. When do you think you'll start trying to have a baby?