
Kids Galore!

I got to have a great experience this weekend with some amazing kids! My friends Aaron and Jennica Smith had to go to Florida for Jennica's sisters wedding and I got to watch their kids for four days!!
I only got to watch Eden and Jonah because the other two, Elijah and Noah, were staying in Salt Lake for a couple of weeks. We had so much fun and they were great kids to watch!
Eden is friends with everyone and always asks your name and if you will be her friend. Jonah is very friendly as well especially if you had crackers or fruit snacks. His cute little smile is irresistible.
They never complained about bed time and we only had one little incident when Jonah bit Eden... but not hard! We went to the pool and the park and it was great taking them to church with us! Everywhere I went with them I kept getting told what cute kids I had! It was funny!!
They really are the best kids and Jennica is a great mom and has taught them so much and has them so well behaved!! I would watch them again in a heart beat! I took lots of pictures so Jennica and Aaron could see how much fun we had! Enjoy!

P.S. I am sure you are all wondering about how Jesse handled it... Let's just say it was a good experience for him as well... ;)

Eden dancing at the Pool!

Me and Jonah at the Pool (I had to hold on with both arms or he would get mad at me)

Eden loving the noodles! :)

Jonah at the park he kept climbing up and down the stairs and having a blast!!

Eden swinging at the park or at least trying to.

The park got too hot so we had to go to Jesse's office while he was in a meeting to cool down and color and play!

Eden coloring her Princess!

Eden showing me her picture she colored in church.

Fun at church!! (Jesse was excited to eat treats during sacrament because we had the kids, but then remembered it was fast Sunday... ha ha)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They are cute kids. You look like you should be a mother. You are so natural at it. :)