
MS 150

Okay so I am still trying to catch up from not blogging for FOREVER! So on June 27th (My little bro's b-day) my sister, my dad, and I were up in Logan to ride in the MS 150. It is a bike ride to raise money for finding a cure for multiple sclerosis. Each rider has to raise at least $250, but of course you can raise more!! :) We raised a total of $1,000 between the three of us. I am not sure the total amount raised because they are still taking donations.
These are pictures of us right after the ride and us coming into the finish line. As soon as I get some from the actual ride I will post them. My sister and I rode 75 miles in about 4 hours (excluding the rest stops and lunch) and my dad rode a total of 107 miles in the same amount of time. It is great fun and we love being able to help such a noble cause!

The best shower comes after this ride... It is so worth the 75 miles on the bike!

We all came in together! It was really cool! (Of course my dad came back and got us because he was way ahead of us, but he wanted to come in as a family.)

I also got the WORST sunburn on my arms after this! For some reason I totally forgot to put sunscreen on my arms!

1 comment:

Angi Gerrie said...

That is awesome! I love that you guys do this. I wish we could get into it... I guess just wishing doesn't make anything happen...