
So Jesse and I are models now... Just Kidding, but we did a photo shoot Saturday for iStock photos to help fill in some bodies. It was so much fun! There were photographers everywhere and lights flashing all over. It made me feel like a famous person! HA HA Thanks to Renee and Todd for putting it on and all the organizing it took to get it rolling! They are freakin awesome! Thought I would put up a picture of me and Jesse getting to makeout in an elevator! Thanks to Tyson for being such a great sport having to be in the elevator with us! His faces are classic. As soon as I find more of us I will post them, you can also see some of them at istockphoto.com. Since we are pretty much famous now you will have to talk to our agent if you want some pics of us!! ;)


Casey and Diana said...

That's awesome!!!

Lindsay Quinney said...

That sounds like it was so much fun! You will definitely need to post some more of the pictures!

Lindsay Quinney said...

That sounds like it was so much fun! You will definitely need to post some more of the pictures!!

Unknown said...

I love it. That is awesome that you got to get those pictures done. You have to post more when you get more. You guys look great!!

Lindsay Quinney said...

That sounds like it was so much fun!! You will definitely need to post some more pictures!

Lindsay Quinney said...

Ok so this comment thing looks much better than how it used to be my comment should finally work!! Anyway, that is so much fun that you did that photoshoot. You will definitely need to post more pictures!